Make sure you have your webcam connected and to allow the site to use it.
(takes about 30 seconds)

See how Jewish you look:

("Photo Booth" version is available on desktop)

Use your camera or choose an image:

jFinder, is an artificial neural net that predicts whether someone is jewish based on their facial features.
With 91.08% accuracy

(tested on 1500 samples, trained on over 5000 images).

The Process

Aggregating faces to compose a jewish/non-Jewish database.

Samples from the Jewish sources:

circa 1990, Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union.
Jewish refugees, Europe (probably Italy), January 1944.
Israeli president Reuven Rivlin with ultra-Orthodox IDF soldiers.
Alliance School in Baghdad, 1908 (courtesy Ezra Hakkak).
Egyptian Jews in Alexandria when the community was more numerous. Photograph: Nebi Daniel Association.
Kiryat-Sharet high school, Holon. 1989 yearbook.
"Yesh Atid" political party's PR delegation to Germany, 26th June 2017. (photo: Aliza Lavy).
Ultra Orthodox IDF soldiers.
"Tikun Olam", "Bina" Volunteering activities.
Jewish Young Girls welcoming the israeli British Army soldiers, Libya. Circa 1942.

Samples of Non-Jewish sources

Buddhist Monks, Thailand.
Assyrian Orthodox Church, The late Patriarch Zakka Iwas (seated) with a council of bishops.
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People Special meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
People find refuge in a school shelter run by the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the town of Rafah in southern Gaza. Palestine.
volunteering at refugee camps in Jordan.
29 of November, Palestine day of Solidarity, London.
Ahed al-Tamimi and Her family.
Mohammed Abu Khdeir funeral, Jerusalem Al-Quds. Photo via AP/Mahmoud Illean.
Demonstration in Gaza (Photo: AP).
Palestinian protesters carry an injured man who was shot by Israeli troops east of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip. — Khalil Hamra / AP.
Bahá'í Faith Community of Scottsdale, Arizona.
Morsi as they march in his support on August 11, 2013 in Cairo.
Baha’i Community gathering - 2014.
Riverside, Calif. (April 9, 2018) – More than 80 students at California Baptist University celebrated Spring Arbor Day by planting scores of trees and plants on April 7.
31 March 2017; The John the Baptist Community School squad before the Lidl All Ireland PPS Junior A Championship final match between Loreto College and John the Baptist Community School at St Brendan’s Park in Birr, Co Offaly. Photo by Piaras î M’dheach/Sportsfile.
The 2018 Christian Service Awards recipients pose outside of St. Bernadette Parish in Scottsdale. Its adjoining school, St. John XXIII, had # recipients this year. (photo courtesy of Catholic Community Foundation).
Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha @ Copyright : REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri
Archbishop Atkinson-Wake leading the Catholic Church of England & Wales.
Indonesian Muslims perform Eid Al-Adha prayer at Al-Akbar Mosque (Picture: Getty Images) 2018.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. leading the 1965 Voting Rights March from Selma to Montgomery, but it is actually from student protests in Montgomery days before the march. From left to right: The Rev. Ralph David Abernathy Sr., the Rev. Jesse Douglas, King, James Forman and John Lewis. (Photo: Steve Schapiro/Getty Images).
Community of Protestant Churches in Europe CPCE.
First White House Buddhist Leadership Conference.
Parma man celebrates 90th birthday with friends at Southwest Community Baptist Church.
The eighth meeting of the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Sikh community, UK.
People march in the American Muslim Day Parade on September 26, 2010 in New York, New York. Spencer Platt/Getty.
Bahá'í Faith Community of Scottsdale, Arizona.
Lord Vishnu desktop wallpaper.
A rural temple fair in Zhoukou, China.CreditCreditMick Duffield, via PBS.
Elon University, North Carolina, USA.
Day of the Dead, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Amargarh village of Bulandshahr district. India.

Faces data base

Jewish batch sample

Non-Jewish batch sample

Training the model

A Deep Neural Net was built for this purpose, each layer in the network reshapes and processes the image after it's parent layer. The model is roughly based on a few award winning image recognition models, the VGG16, GoogLeNet, and ResNet.

The database is composed of more thab 6000 training images and 1500 testing images. After the last session of training (72 hours) this model can classify people according to whether they are Jewish or not in 91.08% accuracy (tested on 1500 images that the model did not see before).

Below are some visual samples of the data in between the layers. In the process each images is entered as input, each layer manipulates the data in the images and reshapes it, from 224 pixels at the start, to only two pixels, Jewish and non-Jewish, in which their values represent the confidence level of the prediction.

Image-Data visualisation between layers
The Deep Neural Net

Input image

224 pixels X 224 pixels
(training images are randomly rotated up to 15 deg and flipped horizontally)

Final output

Two pixels, each represent a classification (Jewish and Now-Jewish) with values that represent the models confidence.
